Carmi League of Arts

The Carmi League of Arts is ecstatic to celebrate 50 years of arts involvement in our community! The League was officially formed on November 17, 1974, by like minded individuals wanting to promote music, visual arts, and drama in Carmi. To mark this incredible milestone, the League will be putting on a variety of events throughout 2024 celebrating our past, present, and future.

All of our anniversary events will be working toward one incredible goal – to replace the traveler curtains at CWCHS. Traveler curtains are the black curtains behind the main red curtain, or proscenium. These curtains help create smoother scene transitions and atmospheric changes, so shows can move at a steady pace while set changes happen behind the scenes.

These curtains are in desperate need of replacement (see photos). With the approval of CWHCS Principal Bart King, the Fine Arts Boosters are starting the campaign to raise the funds needed to replace these important pieces of our stage, and the Carmi League of Arts is on board! Once we reach this goal, we will continue fundraising for other aspects of the stage that need repairs.

We thank everyone who has participated in the League and supported us over the past 50 years, and ask now for your support in this new goal. Together, we can make our stage not only look nicer but operate safer.

More information about fundraising and online donations will be published soon. If you or your organization would like to partner with us for a fundraising event, please contact Publicity Officer Hailey Winkleman at

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