Carmi League of Arts

Our 50th Anniversary anniversary continues all year! Here’s what’s happening next for the League…

Sunday, September 8 – Joseph…Dreamcoat Video Presentation

Did you miss Joseph, or want to see it again? Join us in the CWCHS Auditorium for a showing of our production video. The event is free to attend and starts at 4pm. The runtime is about 1 hour 20 minutes. Be sure to RSVP on Facebook!

Saturday, September 14 – Regular League Meeting

Join us at 10am in the CWCHS Auditorium to review our upcoming events, supporting the CWC Drama fall production of Mary Poppins Jr., and other ideas to continue the 50th Anniversary celebration.

Saturday, September 21 – Community Breakfast with Carmi Lions

Join League members and the Lions Club of Carmi for a joint fundraiser! We will be serving all-you-care-to-eat pancakes, sausage, and biscuits and gravy from 7am-10am. Tickets are $5 in advance or $6 at the door. Learn more on Facebook and contact us or a Lions Club member if you want to purchase tickets!

Ongoing – 50th Merch!

Show your love for the League with these commemorative pins and stickers! They are available now for a $5 donation. Merch will be available at ALL upcoming League events. Please contact us today or order online here:

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