Carmi League of Arts

CWC Drama Dept. Presents Newsies

The CWC Drama Dept. will perform the fall musical “Newsies” on November 17 and 18 at 7:30pm and November 19 at 2:30pm. The Carmi League of Arts will be selling concession before each show and at intermission to raise funds for the Mike Greene Scholarship. Doors open 1 hour before performances.

Disney’s The Little Mermaid

March 18 Meeting The Carmi League of Arts held a meeting on March 18, 2023, to discuss upcoming events and business matters. The League received a report from the local high school, which included details about the recent Elegance at the Elks show. The show was sold out, and the League thanked state representative, Dave […]

New Year Updates from the Carmi League of Arts

The Carmi League of Arts met on Saturday, January 28, to hold officer elections for 2023 and discuss ideas for summer theatrical productions.  League members discussed and approved the Treasurer’s report and celebrated a successful 2022 season, then began looking ahead. Sherry Passmore reported that the high school Drama Department will be presenting their annual […]