The Carmi League of Arts met on Saturday, January 28, to hold officer elections for 2023 and discuss ideas for summer theatrical productions.
League members discussed and approved the Treasurer’s report and celebrated a successful 2022 season, then began looking ahead.
Sherry Passmore reported that the high school Drama Department will be presenting their annual fundraiser, Elegance at the Elks, on February 18 at 6:00pm. Proceeds from the event will support senior scholarships and a field trip for students to the Fox Theater in St. Louis. Tickets are on sale now for the event at $25 each or $40 for couples. Table sponsorships are also available for $250. Interested parties should contact Sherry Passmore or a student in the Drama Department.
As well, the high school Drama Department will present Back to the 80s as their spring play on March 24-26, 2023. The League plans to sell concessions as usual during performances to support the Mike Green Scholarship Fund. Interested parties may also support the Drama Department with ad space in the program by contacting Hailey Winkleman.
The League wants to thank the Martin Blackledge Trust for providing grant money for new microphones, which will be funded through the now-forming Fine Arts Booster Club sponsored by the League.
Attending members paid their dues for 2023 in order to hold a proper election. Those still needing to pay dues may do so online at
Keegan Dennis was re-elected as League Secretary, Kara Kessler will continue as League Treasurer, and Lynn Cantrell remains League Historian. New offices were elected as follows:
President – Amy Craig
Vice President – Chaselyn Bain
Publicity – Hailey Winkleman
Scholarship Committee – Sherry Passmore, Grace Sinclair, Erica Zieren
Executive Board – Sherry Passmore, Kaleb Collard, Tracy Orr
League members discussed whether it’s preferable to produce one all-ages musical, or one for adults and one for children like they did last summer. Several ideas were given for each option, including plays and musicals. It was decided that Directors Sherry Passmore and Lynn Cantrell will deliberate and come to the next meeting with either a decision or a narrowed-down list for members to choose from.
Members did not discuss other performances such as summer gazebo concerts or community bands, focusing firstly on deciding on a theatrical production.
The next Carmi League of Arts meeting will be Saturday, February 18 @ 12:30pm at Tequila’s in Carmi. Anyone interested in joining the League is welcome to attend.