Carmi League of Arts

March FAB Meeting

The Fine Arts Boosters (FAB) will meet March 19 at 6:30pm in Mrs. Zieren’s room at CWCHS. Anyone interested in supporting CWC visual arts, music, and/or drama is welcome to attend.

January FAB Meeting

The Fine Arts Boosters (FAB) will meet January 20 at 10am in Mrs. Zieren’s room at CWCHS. Anyone interested in supporting CWC visual arts, music, and/or drama is welcome to attend.

FAB Wreath Fundraiser

The Fine Arts Boosters (FAB) are hosting their first-ever fundraiser to support fine arts at CWCHS! The group is making and selling fresh pine wreaths, just in time for the Christmas season. Wreaths come fully decorated and cost $50. Please contact FAB on their Facebook page or via email at to order yours – […]

November FAB Meeting

The Fine Arts Boosters (FAB) will meet November 11 at 10am in Mrs. Zieren’s room at CWCHS. Anyone interested in supporting CWC visual arts, music, and/or drama is welcome to attend.

Newsies Meal Train

The Fine Arts Boosters (FAB) created this meal train to organize meals before every practice for the Newsies cast. The kids have been so appreciative of all food that has been supplied so far. Some of the previous menus have been: You can learn more, donate, or join the meal train here:

October FAB Meeting

The Fine Arts Boosters (FAB) will meet October 21 at 10am in Mrs. Zieren’s room at CWCHS. Anyone interested in supporting CWC visual arts, music, and/or drama is welcome to attend.